Photos from Around the World

Outset to end of Peru

Thank you Triple J!  We're still beating the drum  

Below you will find photos from the first part of our trip, from California, Mexico, Toronto, Niagra Falls, New York, Ecuador and Peru.  17/04/05 - 14/06/05

Keep checking back and more photos will be forthcoming and see our other pages for our take on the four festivals we went to (and still have to go to!)

Friendly Qantas Staff (photo taken by another friendly and helpful Qantas staffmember!)
Cathedral Mexico City

Teotihuacan - view of sun temple from atop moon temple
A Joshua Tree, A Shannon and A Cookie (of the non-crumbly variety) (photo taken by Jacko or Alicia)

Proud Aussie Boys
Newly done dreadlocks in Toronto

Oh, pretty maid of the mist at Niagra Falls!
Bjork, Meredith Monk and an awestruck Shannon

Aussie Made through and through
Gate to Mecca of Contemporary Dance (Martha Graham Dance School)

Statue of Liberty - Poxy, povo us, took the free ferry to Staten Island and back
Main Studio Merce Cunningham School (with great city views I might add)

Times Square
People, probably mostly tourists, in Time Square

Lovely Greenwich Village

For Frith

Boating in Quito with beautiful surrounds
Jacko and Alicia

Cookie making it look so easy!
Shoe shining (and acosting) urchins

Main window in the Basillica in Quito

The Virgin Mary from the Basillica
Happy travellers!

In different hemispheres (photo taken by Alicia)


Smiling faces (despite much poverty) at a preschool just outside Otavalo
Cheeky child from the markets

Otavalo craftisan carding wool
His wife, who spins the wool

Traditional dress in the Otavalo region

Traditional loom carpet weaving
Coming back into Quito

A great place to play cards (Huanchaco)
Our Naylamp campsite Huanchaco

Enrique's pet tortoise

Surfing Mecca Chicama view from hostel

Oh, so so many waves
Sunset over Cookie and Chicama


The fountain Plaza de Armes Cusco (Cathedral in the background)
Our second day in Cusco we encountered a giant march past in front of the Cathedral

Happy marching girls
Marching boys

   Triple J Beat the Drum entry Cusco Style?

Overlooking Cusco

Reflected kiss

Up early ready for Machu Picchu!
The mountains around Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu before the sunrise
Here comes the sun

                 Classic postcard shot of Machu Picchu and Waynapicchu

First sun hits Machu Picchu

A view through a window
High quality incan temple stonework

Incan Cross
The way the cross can be worn as a pendant

A messy bit of carving?
No, actually a clever outline

Incan sundial
Another clever carving, the energy rock

View from half way up Waynapicchu
View from two thirds up Waynapicchu

An incan tunnel near the top of Waynapicchu
The view from the top! Cookie and Machu Picchu

Steps to get down from the top of Waynapicchu
Same steps looking up from the bottom, very steep

Llamas on patrol
Incan use of existing stone

Colour on Machu Picchu
We climbed it!

Children in traditional costume
Old lady weaving off a light pole on the side of the road

First view of Pisaq terraces
Old Pisaq overlooking the new

Pisaq terraces and fort (in background)
This was how they ran up and down the terraces!

The holes dotting the side of the hill are incan tombs
Us under an archway that is on the side of a hill at Pisaq

An incan tunnel at Pisaq
The temple area Pisaq

Example of the Incan cross at Pisaq
Lookout tower we scrambled down the hill past!

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And give heaps of support and keep listening to Triple J!