Original Triple J Beat the Drum Entry Photo Page

How's that for a mouthful?!

THANK YOU Triple J, THANK YOU Australia!!!!

Here’s a quick Q&A for your benefit. First up, in answer to a question asked many times, no - we did not use GPS to build our lovely little drum. Big Bro John Cook, who thankfully is a builder as well as a farmer, used his super dooper architectural skills to plot our the drum with empty drums and then drove over them free hand with our lovely little Ford Tractor (see below photo). The drum is farmed into a slashed sorghum crop that we are currently fertilising and preparing to be planted. As yet I have not convinced Dad and John to let me plant the paddock in accordance with the drum so we may have to move it to another paddock.


Next up - oh yeah... we considered very heavily the prospect of setting the whole thing on fire for aesthetic purposes. But sadly, we didn’t feel the ozone layer would appreciate the amount of toxic smoke that would result from burning up this amount of bad stuff. So maybe if we can think of a more atmosphere friendly way of doing it we’ll jump on board. The photo’s we do have, and we think they’re very pretty, were taken from a light plane we hired from the Dalby Aero Club. Big Bro John’s mate Matt Boland kindly offered to fly us up free of charge, and take us for a tour of our drum from a highly elevated position. Thankyou Matt, you rock the big one.


This is my apology now - to the wonderful Miss Parsons. Shannon has been going absolutely crazy lately building DVD’s, videos, writing reports and moderating the web site while I’ve been off gallivanting around the country side and when I was asked to answer a few simple questions on the web site I’ve come up short. But here’s a pledge. This very night I will get back on the job and answer each and every question you’ve got - so hit the guest book and ask away, your cries will not go unnoticed.


Please enjoy our web site - we love it and we love you. We’ll love you even more if you hit the JJJ guest book and tell them that you love us, cause we love them and you. Damn there’s some love on this web site.

Take it hell easy,


The Drum Beaters from St Ruth


This drum takes up 150 Hectares of a sorghum paddock. This area equates to 200 football fields, 910 house blocks, and (if your knowledge of area is as bad as mine) is 1.5km long and 1km wide. Each of the sticks are 360m long and the outside lines are over 80 feet wide. If you take a close look at the top left hand side below the first drum stick you will see a 400 horse power tractor connected to a 40 foot plough. (Yes, it's that little dot on the page we have a close up of that tractor on this page, down a little lower). Keep on Beating the Drum! 


Below you'll find some new photos that we took as well as the old familiar ones!

the tractor (along with the very beautiful miss parsons and that michael guy)