Triple J Beat The Drum Entry

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Holy Pack Some Bags!!

THANK YOU Triple J, THANK YOU Australia! 


Now that some of the pure adrenalin pumping excitement has worn off and we move onto freaking out about the prospect of seeing the world and four of the sickest, phatest music festivals this little rock called earth has to offer, now would be a very appropriate time to begin offering what will no doubt be an eternally long list of thankyou's.


First and foremost... is there a doubt in anyone's mind that a huge thankyou is currently leaving my mouth, traveling the airwaves and whacking louis rogers, robbie buck, adam and wil, and all at triple j smack bang in the face? i doubt it. thank you triple j for running such an amazing competition and for considering we country folk as equals in the world of rock'n'roll.


from here on it's just going to be a long list of those who have contributed to making this... well... really really big drum that is now in our paddock. and damn don't we love it. to big bro john cook and his wife angela; thankyou for everything. without your enthusiasm and help this drum would firstly, never had been buillt, and secondly would have looked less like a drum and more like an overgrown paddock victim to poor farming practices.


thanks to george and colleen for donating the paddock and putting up with my rediculous enthusiasm, shannon's fabulous family for their fruitfully fantastic and unwavering support, matty boland and all at ag av for flying us up there for a look, the lovely people at flight centre for forwarding on the e-mail to so many people, all our friends and family for looking at our 'little' creation, the chronicle for giving us such lovely feedback and the thousands of other people that i'm forgetting now but will mean to come back later and add in.


by now you've probably had enough of battling through my incoherant ramblings, so i'll leave it at that for now. thankyou to everyone who has seen our website, and please keep hitting the guest book and photo page as we'll be updating it with many a story and photo of our trip when we leave next year.


take it hell easy


shannon and michael

the drum beaters from st ruth




In the crazy din that is the modern world people often get caught up in their own surroundings. Out here in the country, surroundings is one thing that we have a whole lot of... True, there's no shop around the corner, no live music venue playing seven, three or even one night a week, and no music festivals if you're not prepared to pack the bags and make for the big smoke.


However, we do love good music. And just because our good music comes from a box tuned to 104.1fm and not from the front row of the arena in Brisbane doesn't mean that we country folk, flannelette wearing or otherwise, aren't dead keen on beating the drum for Triple J.


How it all happened

So welcome to our entry to Triple J's Beat The Drum Competition! I say we, so now is as good a time as any to pay the appropriate respects to the involved parties. First up, Miss Shannon Parsons, who features along side one michael cook in the photo album, is the mother of this fine entry. "Out there you've got a sh!tload of space, so why not make that damn drum big enough to see from space?" We can directly attribute the magnitude of this idea to Miss Parsons.


One Mr John Cook, who kindly donated time and effort to the project, is undoubtedly its father. From the scaling from paper to paddock and 99% of the physical tractor driving, Mr Cook guided the process to fruition, and ensured that the activity resulted in an entry worthy of sending to Triple J. He also risked life and limb when flying over the structure to get the appropriate photo's despite an intense dislike of unstable travelling machines, in specific small planes.


Finally, Mr Michael Cook, who is currently typing this brief explanation of how this event came to being, wrote some of the stuff for the website...  but with a lot of help from Miss Parsons. He did, however, get to help out with the plotting of the drum and fly in the small plane twice. He is very happy. And even more happy now with the prospect of flying in a very big plane. to very cool places. all over the place.


Don't forget, for more photos of the drum, and photo's of our trip around the world, click the photo page link at the top of the page!